Cart-King Offers 1 FREE Graphical Design

$399.00 USD Value - Just agree to send us photos for our website


Cart-King offers its customers 1 FREE graphical design for your cart or kiosk and will deliver to you in a beautiful 3D rendering. The process takes about one week depending on how busy our design department is. All we require is that you upload your logo/s and color in a specific format that is conducive to large format printing and agree to send us 4 full length photos of your beautiful cart or kiosk when setup and in use so we can show others how our amazing carts and kiosks turn out with our customers.

Some example designs

For design and "large format printing" we will need your highest resolution logo/s you can attain. The logos need to be in a vector based format like a PDF, or Adobe Illustrated format.

Please email your logo and photos to

* By sending us your logo you agree to send Cart-King 4 full size images of your cart or kiosk setup being used in the field for the Cart-King website.