Reasons to consider building a mall kiosk

Mall kiosk designers and manufacturers have been around for several decades now. Commercial spaces in the USA used to use a standard table in front of their indoor stores to showcase their retail goods. How unsophisticated this once was. The business has come a long way.

Custom built retail display platforms such as carts and kiosks are the perfect answer to changing mall trends. A kiosk, for example, can be re-designed, branded, and repositioned to service consumer traffic trends, whereas as a custom manufactured cart can be pushed outside or inside to get those eyeballs on your products or services.

Location, Location and Location

Retail carts and kiosks are now positioned in some of the most prime spaces in malls, airports, and any public areas with lots of consumers all across the USA. The location of your goods or services in relation to consumer traffic flow has proven to be of paramount concern. Catchy graphics, video displays and even music helps to enhance and engage customer performance. Clever retailers will often capitalize on the most modern retailing techniques to grab market share with clever marketing and sales techniques.

Low cost mall kiosks make business sense.

Bottom line, building a kiosk or cart for any mall is a much less expensive proposition that taking on a lease for an in-line store. Stores can cost hundreds of thousands in fabrication, millwork, and contractor services while a kiosk or cart will cost a mere fraction of the outlay. If you are going to test market a product or service, its best you test it in high traffic areas with the lowest cost overhead as possible. At Cart-King, we can help you with that. We have all the right products in stock now to suit all your retailing, food, and coffee service needs.

There are many other perks to operating a mall kiosk, cart or RMU. Take a look at this article from New York Times entitled “Tiny Mall Kiosks Make a Surprisingly Big Impact" to get some further insight and ideas.

Building a Mall Kiosk - Cart-King


